I love this country - Oman - but recently I was forced to leave please read why:
My name is Vera and I came to Oman in 2009 and was very keen and exited to settle a business (German Fertility Center, Al Azaiba, 18 Nov. Street) together with two Omanis.
Everything was fine up to the point the Center started to generate money.
Please read the following:
More than one year back I entered into a contract signed by three persons, Mr. Ali Khalid Al-Sharji, Mr. Faisal Juma Hashil Al-Shikaili and me, Mrs. Vera Ch. Neusser. An agreement covering and explaining very well and professional rights and duties of the signing parties. I had to learn, that this agreement is illegal as it is against the official law in Oman. I admit that I did not check this and did not take legal assistance in this. I was sure, that Mr. Ali (he introduced himself as a “Business adviser”) and Mr. Faisal are aware of the Omani rules and regulations. I was told by them that these side-agreements are possible and valid. I was not doubting as well when I was told, that it is not possible, to give me a residence visa for Oman, as the company is still to small to provide such a visa for the administration. I learned, that the only role I have in this company is the position of a Manager. And unfortunately as I do not have a residence visa I am not even allowed to announce, doing any work for this “German Fertility Clinic”. Neither Mr. Ali, nor Mr. Faisal knew anything about IVF before we met. After many hours of talking and advising, they got a basic knowledge of this topic. By using all my connections and knowledge in this field, by involving the “partners” and introducing them to the experts in this field and by paying for months all expenses, salaries and invests this clinic started to improve recently. This was the time Mr. Faisal and Mr. Ali decided to take over the clinic. They admitted, that there where debts and this is the reason they have to do so. Since November 2009 I told them, that I am due to a huge loss in UAE not able to cover and inject in the way I wanted to do and it should be. Both of them agreed and even encouraged me to go ahead. I managed to find solutions with the companies (advertising) or the landlord of the villa. By end of April 2010 the brake-even point seemed to be reached. The clinic had reached the point, that all the salaries where paid, that it was more or less sure, that within a short time everything else could be settled.
To revise this first part of my letter:
1.I entered in an agreement with two Omani partners unfortunately without taking advises of an Omani lawyer or authority.
2.The Omani partners where pretending to know the law and told me that this agreement is according the law.
3.All necessary steps besides the official work like licensing, or visas were supervised and initiated by me.
4.There was no major disagreement or misunderstanding between the parties.
5.The Omani partners did not interfere as long as the clinic was in loss.
6.The Omani partners took over the clinic as soon as it seemed to start being profitable.
Suddenly I was told by Mr. Faisal, that the only way to proceed would be by agreeing to give them 65% of the ownership(according our contract it was only 10%). According his words “it was very generous” to give me this option. I did not even deny this option completely, but wanted it to be done in an official and legal way. Unfortunately Mr. Ali and Mr. Faisal refused to “give anything” in written or to do this change of ownership in front of any authority. Their answer was, as I did not agree to only their words, I have to leave immediately, not being allowed to enter or do anything anymore in this clinic. It was shameful and disgusting for me to be kicked out of the place I created and made it to what it was. I was not allowed, even in front of a my lawyer being with me, to take most of my personal things.
To revise the second part of my letter:
1.I invested Dhs 600.000 (showed by an invoice) on equipments and furniture.
2.For one year I solely paid appr. 100% of all expenses, salaries and running costs.
3.Suddenly I was not allowed anymore to enter the place, any pencil, picture or piece of paper belonged to me and was paid by me.
4.Suddenly I had to bring invoices for even personal things like computers, own cloths or personal datas.
5.Even it was not denied by Mr. Ali and Mr. Faisal that all things in the clinic belong to me, the covering law gave them the right to use all these things to create money with them, to remove or manipulate on the stuff brought and paid by me. I have to proof first that they belong to me. Who has invoices, showing, that cloths or pictures are purchased by him?
Part three of my letter is, that now it is on me to pay thousands of OMR to proof that I brought all this, that I paid all this. This might take months or even years. Unfortunately I do not have a bank account in Oman. I paid my things cash. I was told I have to show bank statements showing, that I paid for the equipments and paid for the expenses and salaries with my own money. I was told this is to proof that it is no money laundry and of course my position is bad, as officially I do not own anything and I did not pay anything and I have not even the right to announce that I worked here in Oman. I have to hide because all these things are illegal.
Summery of this last part of my letter:
1.Even everybody (every employee, every person I was contacting here and it is even not denied by the Omani partners) that each and everything in this clinic, all the knowledge, the structure and the whole set-up was initiated and created solely by me I have to poof that even personal things belong to me and I have to proof this by invoices.
2.Even now one is denying my part in this clinic, I am not allowed to take my belongings or to give advices how to use or what to do.
3.I have to proof, that I invested and I am in a weak position anyhow as I am not even allowed to announce, that I did any work for this place as working without residency is forbidden and will put me to jail and causes deportation.
I decided to go! To leave this country! I will go without anything! Let Faisal “take what he wants!”.
Let Ali be happy with my things. Let them use the Omani right to get hold of things they never paid for!
I am not ready to proof facts and reality. I am a proud and honest person. I wanted to give Oman a service center for very common problems and desperately needed treatments. I did not come for just collecting money. Never in my life money was the motor of my work. My intention was to create a Clinic with highly qualified and professional treatments and of course to have in return an income to guaranty mine and most important, the studies of my youngest son.
A further proof for this intention is, that according an amendment in our co-operation contract Mr. Faisal Al-Shikaili is the owner in case anything happens (e.g. death) to me. In this case he was supposed to pay a very reasonable amount to my son, to secure his further life. But it was to long for Mr. Faisal to wait till I die!
I go with pride and with my head up and I might not come back to this place!
It is not because of these two people – it is because I know, that in this country there is no community, no solidarity between the people. It is a fight for their daily surviving, done only in each and every bodies own favor.
I wish Mr. Ali and Mr. Faisal good luck for “their clinic”!
I want to say thank you to many not named people who tried to help but not being able to do more because of the circumstances and their own security (not to be involved in something creating problems) and I want to say thank you to these very special people who really tried their very best to supported me in getting through this time:
1.Mr. M. (the landlord of the villa, who whenever I called him was available and picked up the phone! He even gave me his car after Mr. Faisal and Mr. Ali canceled my company car and he supported me even financially).
2.Faisals father, who also offered me his help and support. I have three sons of my own and I would fight for them even they are not right. And I know and do not want to put him in a position to decide against his son.
3.Dr. E., who stood behind me and supported me mentally. Even we had some disputes before, she took a very clear position.
4.Mr. H. and Sheikh M. who guided my convertion to Islam some weeks before.
5.Mr. H. from company Serono and
6.Ms I., Ali's beautiful wife, who expressed her regret the night I was leaving Oman and most important to
7.My son Marc D. and his friend Roman M. who told me:
Mama lets go – there is no need for you to try to save or create money for me. I will work for my studies and I want you to be in a place you can live in peace and were others are giving you respect you deserve.
I was told, the Omani court does not ask for emotions – these are facts - but only told with the words of a female.
God bless you and hope to see you again.
Vera Neusser
I went back to Germany but still I am not really realizing and believing what happened.
It seems that things just move on - things seem to go back to normal?
These people are operating my clinic and are acting like owners.?
Do these people have the right and now one is interfering?
How come that it is possible in Oman, to take thousands of Rial, to steel it, and no one is caring.
Before I went to do business in Oman I was told:
Be careful it is common in Oman, that they let built you the business, as soon as it starts to be profitable, they will take it.
I never believed in these words - but I had to face the same.
It seems everybody knows, no one is interfering and the cheated expats are forced to leave the country - is this really Oman?
Isn't there anybody helping me to get my rights?